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From The Liverpool Mercury, Tuesday April 13, 1880.

In music and in comedy, "The Sorcerer" is superior to "H.M.S."Pinafore,'' and its merits in these respects were readily recognised by the audience that assembled at the Prince of Wales Theatre last night, when one of the happiest results of the Gilbert-Sullivan collaboration was presented.

Since it was given here last; numerous changes have occurred in the cast of “The Sorcerer"; but, fortunately, Mr. Arthur Rousbey retains his place in it. Last night he received a greeting not more cordial than he deserved, for his voice and his manner of using it are excellent, while his illustration of the exaggerated grace of the ancient gallant, Sir Marmaduke, is imbued with a spirit thoroughly appreciative of the lively and sacastic humour of the inventor of the character.

Mr. James Sydney is the Alexis, Miss Ethel M'Alpine is most attractive as Aline, Miss Armytage is Mrs. Partlet. Miss Duggan Constance, Mr. F. Billington the Counsel, Mr. Lithgow James is the impersonator of the Vicar, Miss Stavart that of Lady Sangazure, and Mr. Mansfield obtains a distinct success as John Wellington Wells.

The members of the chorus sing vigorously and in tune, the orchestra is competent, and Mr. P. W, Halton, who is the conductor, has his executive forces admirably under control. New scenery has been provided by Mr. J. Hall for the present production of "The Sorcerer," and the exterior of Sir Marmaduke's mansion is particularly effective.

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